I have been containing BBA for a few months now; there has not been lots of it, but because it is on leaves I am concerned. I have spraybars from a pair of Eheim 2217s across the back of a 180 litre tank, and a Koralia 1600 between them pushing the CO2 forward from a diffuser just below it. There is an excellent stream of bubbles in the Koralia's high flow but the BBA seems to relish growing right there. Two days ago I removed a large stem plant (with 50% water change) and this opened up the back of the tank; I also cleaned one of the filters, and the BBA has exploded on the hardscape in the usual places. It looks like it loves the increased flow. Is this common? I have read a couple of posts suggesting it so I will go with my hunch and swap the koralia 1600 for a 900, and will see how things go. I might even run the diffuser through a filter intake and dispense with the koralia entirely. I am increasing the water changes (in case lower plant mass is at fault). But I really don't like the idea of reducing flow and wondered what those with more experience thought.
Specs: lights 2WPG for 6 hours; EI dose ferts; easy carbo spot dosed 2x dose daily for last 3 months (reducing dose increases algae). Lime green drop checker but there is not much room for increasing before fish gasp.
Specs: lights 2WPG for 6 hours; EI dose ferts; easy carbo spot dosed 2x dose daily for last 3 months (reducing dose increases algae). Lime green drop checker but there is not much room for increasing before fish gasp.