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Barren Earth-IAPLC WIP 2013

Tanks I buy from LFS, my cohobbyist loves me a lot, they gift me their tanks. This one is gifted by my cohobbyist friend.
Filter, lights, stands I buy from local shops.

Rocks or woods I collected from local areas. I my area rocks and woods are too costly for me to buy, so better collecting.
Looks really good. With such a low plant mass have you encountered any algae troubles?
There is algae in my tank, but rigorous manual cleaning kept those in control. Thanks.
Love the catfish, very unusual to see in an aquascape......looks like he is shrimp stalking 🙂
Cool little catfish, thought it looked like a hara, but difficult to tell, certainly shows the scale of your tank for such a small fish..... he's dwarfed by Amano shrimp 🙂
Great scape.