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bad weather.

Mr P

4 Oct 2011
NW london
after years of struggling with extension tubes etc I finally got my self a proper macro lens.i love insect photography, since I got the lens typical british weather has taken over,PANTS!!!!:arghh:
Have you ever heard of Sark?
Well it is a tiny island about 9 miles from Guernsey (my home) and has the most amazing array of insect life you will find in the UK.
We go there quite a few times a year and it never fails to bring back memories of yesteryear when insects were everywhere in abundance. We saw one of those giant moth things that eat nectar, my misses was convinced it was a humming bird, also you still get wasps trying to climb into you pint And butterflies everywhere .... Yep great place for a few day holiday...not even a single car on the island!