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bad boy tank

Is it me or does it look slightly over stocked? I'm sure he could have bought a house next to the river where these fish swim for that price...
Slightly overstocked :wideyed: They're still growing for goodness sake

Those types of tanks are just massive gold fish bowls, no attempt to recreate anything like a natural environment so more for bragging rights than fish care.....
After all that the tank is still too small for the fish :facepalm:

I could pay off my mortgage, visit ADA hq + sky tree aquarium in japan and still get several fully specced ADA set ups.......

Different strokes for different folks I guess
In 1990 I built a big tank, 2500 gallon.
It housed a red-tailed cat called TC & two Pacas .
I was filmed for television feeding the fish while in the tank but I don't have a single picture or video... lost over the years.
However the tank was my 5mins of fame as it featured in many magazines & gave me the chance to meet the fishkeeping journalist of the time.
There was one guy called Dr David Sands who stayed at my house for 5 days & he wrote for lots of mags (this was at a pre forum era when mags were the thing) I remember that time quite well because my pet rat bit him really hard!
The tank was not actually mine but I built it for a koi farm where I worked as the manager.
I have to agree with James, have seen the vid before, and the tank is overcrowded beyond belief. The same went for the mega-tank in the UK, he was featured in PFK, and has some Youtube-vids as well.

Just ridiculous. And the cost! You could have a house full of top-spec, high-tech aquariums for that money, let alone the cost of electrics and such. And those poor animals.
Sometimes people let the size of aquariums around this size cloud their judgement regarding stocking levels. They think just because a lot of money was spent and the size of it stocking level such as that in the vid is acceptable. However if someone was to house a H. Severum, firemouths, your average common pleco, a group of pictus catfish etc in a 50 gallon then they will get slated for doing so.