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Baby otocinclus porn


New Member
12 Oct 2023
Southampton, UK
Posting just because I am lucky enough to have fluked a tank where my few adult otocinclus are breeding readily. I am doing nothing special to raise the fry but several seem to be finding enough to eat. The tank is chocka full with shrimp and is very mature so I assume there has just been enough microfauna around to enable them to survive.
I add either algae wafer or Repashy super green daily, which I am sure is helping, but the fry are only interested after their first month of life. What is also wonderful is how tame these youngsters seem to be compared to their wild-caught parents.


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I have no idea where or when they deposit eggs. I have never seen any. Its a pretty sensely planted tank though, so its easy to hide them. The first signs I see are of tiny fry hanging on to the glass (around 3mm long). The tank is a low tech 90 litre, softwater tank. 6dGH, 0dKH, pH 6.4. I use an inert gravel substrate but have some active substrate in a UGF box for buffering. Its well planted and has been my main Crystal Red shrimp breeding tank for the last year, and I have actually managed to sell quite a lot of them. I had 5 Otos in there initially (wild caught of course) and have just left them to it. THere are also a handful of pygmy and Hastatus corys in there. Neither cory species did well in this tank unfortunately - as yet I have not worked out why. The tank temps have been around 22-24 C. Once a week I do a 33% water change with noticeably colder water, which may be a factor in stimulating breeding.
THis is a picture from a while ago, before the CRS population exploded. Also a pic of a tiny Oto fry on the glass, being pointed to with a small fine artery forcep (for size comparison).


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I've had otos spawn though not intentionally. The eggs are about 2mm and can be translucent or white-ish and are strongly attached to surfaces. The eggs were found on the top of leaves on higher flow areas though this may have been coincidence.

I don't know why but my oto fry seem to have trouble growing past 2cm.


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