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Babaulti shrimp fan club


New Member
12 Oct 2023
Southampton, UK
If anyone has any thoughts or experiences with babaulti shrimp please share it here.

I have "Indian greens" and Zebras. From the minimal (believable) info online it would seem that the greens favour a harder, more alkaline, environment. Whereas the zebras seem to be a softwater shrimp. Anyway, that is roughly how I am keeping them. The Greens I have are breeding nicely already in 8dGH, 3dKH water. The zebras I have are very new to me but seem to be really settling in well to an acidic softwater environment.
Has anyone else here kept these ?


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No personal experience with babaulti but would love to hear how you get on with these in soft water. I like the greens also and have heard conflicting reports about the hardness of water that is acceptable to them.
I agree that there is no real definitive info on it online. I have been hedging my bets and providing somewhat medium hardness and pH water for the greens. At least it seems to be suiting them so far. Once my Green colony is big enough I shall try some in a different acidic softwater tank to the zebras (as I don't want to risk crossing the greens and the zebras at the moment - although thats also an interesting thing to try at somepoint in the future. It really wouldn't surprise me at all if they could not crossbreed (or hybridise ?). Their behaviour is so different that it would not surprise me at all if they were actually different species. I know the taxonomy of this whole group is in its infancy so, as yet, we really don't know exactly what's what.