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Artemia Hatchery Kit


15 Feb 2016
Hi all,

I wondered if anyone could please recommend D a good artemia brine shrimp hatchery kit if possible please? I'm looking to breed some Betta 🙂

I've seen the kit in Maidenhead Aquatics for £45 JBL, but that seems a bit extreme; conversely I know I could probably do it with a plastic bottle and airstone, but would rather a neat and tidy little kit.

So far I've seen one or two on Amazon for £15, but just wanted to check here before I purchase 🙂

Thanks in advance
The JBL kit is well worth the outlay 😉
if you don't buy this one, only buy a similar design!

Also look at other live food for bettas, & when feeding BBS don't forget to enrich the BS as possible

Also spend the $ on 90% guaranteed hatch rate BS eggs, pick up some good quality decap BS eggs as well (easy to soak these in vitamin solution or meds if needed)
I use a home made hatchery using a 5l water bottle and 1l water bottle, an air stone and a heater. There are instructions online how to make these things. I then just use some air line to suck up the bbs. I store the newly hatched bbs in the fridge which slows their metabolism down so they don't use up their nutritious reserves. This way I only have to hatch eggs every 3 days

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