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Around the old tree


16 Nov 2013
Craiova, Romania
A few weeks after Forest Dreams ended, i started working on another setup, having the same 'nature style' in mind.
This time i went with a combo of Red Moore, Twinty wood and Dragon stones, for hardscaping.

Some "hardware and software" details :

« Aquarium » Aquael Econoline 60
« Dimensions in cm (L x W x H) » 60x30x30
« Lighting » 36watts - Osram 865 - 6500K - 7h/day
« Filters » Dennerle scapers flow
« Heating » Aquael Comfort Zone 75w , 24°C
« Cooling » Dymax cooling fan W5
« Fertilizers »
First two weeks, only VIMI Accelerator, in the recomended dose.
After this, i'll use Dennerle Nano fertilizer and VIMI Accelerator, in the recomended doses.
« Gravel/Sand » JBL Manado, Quartz (0,8-2,0mm)
« CO2 » No
« Flora »
Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite', Bucephalandra Green Wavy, Bucephalandra Mini Needle Leaf, Microsorum needle leaf, Microsorum windelov, Bolbitis heudelotii, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Cryptocoryne wendtii kompact, Cryptocoryne parva, Creeping moss, Flame moss, Stringy moss, Pelia, Hydrocotyle sp. Japan
« Fish & Invertebrates» Hyphessobrycon amandae (Ember tetra), Neocaridina davidi var. Orange
« Hardscaping » Red Moore, Twinty Wood, Dragon Stone

Pics from Day 1 :

Through all this process i kept the plants and hardscape in moist with the help of some wet paper towels.
🙂 I was just wondering about this

You're very good at creating depth perspective :wideyed:
I wouldn't guess that tank is only 60 x30 cm

Your attention to detail impresses me with each scape!
Love the look mate. Great sense of perspective and a great choice of plants and wood.
I am more of a rock guy myself and tend to struggle to find the right piece to give the exact look i want.
Its nice to see some scapes like yours to get ideas from.
Great scape. I'm looking to do something similar for my first aquarium in 30 years 🙂

I have a question about the white mesh you used to plan the paths - do you leave in under the sand to stop the substrate mixing?
Excellent, not that I know or have the capabilities, definitely not the patience but for me, & this is only my opinion, the texture of the sand is to similar to the other medium.
I would have preferred to see a finer texture defining the two different strata's.
Also from day 16 :


Thanks, AquamaniacUK. 😉

Hi, Luke's. Yes, the mesh is still under the sand to stop the substrate from mixing with it. It's easier this way. 😀
Wish you luck with the new scape.

KipperSarnie, thanks for the idea. I might play with different textures at one point. 😀
It Looks very nice! 🙂

The path on the right is gonna be hard to maintain with that amount of plants though, I bet you've got good scissors 😉
Hi alex08, thanks for responding. I'll look to get some white mesh for my path - should I use a particular type?
True, true, CooKieS. 😀

Luke's, i used a regular mosquito mesh, the kind you put at a window. Around here we have them in white or green colors.

Hi tim, thanks for the warm welcome...back! 😀

Let me show you guys the first pic from day 29 :
