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Arduinodroid and temp+humidity+lcd

Iain mlaren

8 Dec 2016
Hi guys. I'm trying to make a sensor for reading the temperature humidity using an LCD display. It's a dht11 chip that I have but I can't figure out how to add the correct files into library on arduinodroid. In fact I haven't really got a clue about most of it but I'm willing to learn. I've tried everything to get the dht.h file and dht.cpp file to work but it won't have it. If anyone with some knowledge of arduinodroid on android and possibly the dht11 chip can you pleaaaassee help me. Much thanks

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Take a look at the troubleshooting page for arduiodroid


"Pay your attention: library names must contain only basic letters and numbers (ASCII only and no spaces, no underlines and it cannot start with a number)."

I see that the DHT library has an _ in some of the filenames, I suspect this might be where your problem lies.

Personally I'd stick to arduino development on a 'proper' pc.
Hi cheers webworm. I only have a phone to do it on and don't have a proper pc. Maybe I'll have to put it on the back burner until I'm able to get onto a pc. I hadn't read the part about number in front so it's possibly the problem I'm having. Thanks

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