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Aquscaper Glass Skimmer Problem


4 Oct 2020
Hi all,

Have had a read through a couple of threads but can't seem to find a solution to my problem.

I have the EA Aquascaper Glass Pipe Work (16mm) set running on my Aquascaper 600 with a Oase 600 Filter.

When I first turned on the filter, the skimmer portion worked flawlessly. Fully open at the bottom and drawing in water from the top. Now for some reason it is constantly sucked down to the bottom and is no longer working as it should.

The skimmer can be lifted and sits on the surface briefly before beginning to bounce and eventually just dropping back down rendering it useless.

Any ideas?

Many thanks all!

I find when the pre filter on the oase is dirty the skimmer bods and sinks try cleaning the prefilled

I did this and it didn't make a difference but thanks for the tip, might work in the future. :happy:

I have fixed the issue though.

It would seem that overnight the tension in my hoses had pushed the inlet over slightly and it was no longer completely vertical. This meant the skimmer was not pulling in water evenly on all sides and this was causing the issue.

Have leveled it out and all seems to be functioning again. Why is nothing ever easy!

