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Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

I believe the LED units are not on the market yet. New fluval ones, double check with Dan Crawford
OllieNZ said:
I believe the LED units are not on the market yet. New fluval ones, double check with Dan Crawford
Great! Fluval! Exactly! 🙂 I knew it was manufactured by some well known company! 🙂 (damn, why didn't I make photo of it???) "Fluval LED striplights", that's the one! 🙂 Thanks! 🙂

Now let's hope there will also be some feedback on plants and fish... 🙂
Piotr K. said:
4. What species/variety is the reddish Cryptocoryne in the smaller aquarium? The one with darker spots on the leaves...

5. What are the stemmed plants on the bottom of the smaller aquarium? I think they might be Staurogyne repens, Ludwigia glandulosa, and Alternathera reineckii, but it's rather a guess... 😉

Hi Piotr

The crypt in my nano is Cryptocoryne Tropica, and the stemmed plants in the foreground are indeed Staurogyne Repens ( green) and Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini' (pink) - well done 🙂

I'll get Dan to confirm re his tank today.

I look forward to seeing the videos.
Tony Swinney said:
The crypt in my nano is Cryptocoryne Tropica, and the stemmed plants in the foreground are indeed Staurogyne Repens ( green) and Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini' (pink) - well done 🙂 I'll get Dan to confirm re his tank today.
Great, thanks for the info, and waiting for some more! 🙂

Tony Swinney said:
I look forward to seeing the videos.
I already posted two of them in this thread 🙂
