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aquaticmagic mosses/cresses


19 Jan 2009
can any one explain to me why when aquaticmagic say that (for example) flame moss is extremely hardy, withstands fluctuating water chemistry and no co2 is needed but charege you allmost $10 for 2x2" :shock:...is it just me that finds this very expencive for 2x2 inches of flame moss, or am i buying from the wrong place?
does any one else know some where cheaper?
No idea why but they are expensive for what you get.
Maybe because they are so slow growing.
Best place for mosses is here in the for sale / wanted section of this forum. 🙂
Flame moss grows indeed very slow, and agree ask in the sale section, someone might have some spare.
I tried growing it in my shrimp tank, but the algae grew faster than the moss lol
ohh thanks for the help...i never there was a buy/sell section on this size (im a new'um) 🙄
LondonDragon said:
Flame moss grows indeed very slow, and agree ask in the sale section, someone might have some spare.
I tried growing it in my shrimp tank, but the algae grew faster than the moss lol

ohhh 😱 ...you are quite experienced also arnt you...so how am i going to get along! :cry:
Welcome to UKAPS
pm me your name and address and i will send you some flame moss (won't be loads, but more than you get from AMagic).

Feel free to donate to UKAPS if you wish once recieved.

Also they don't advertise this in their e-bay shop but aquatic magic are actual the devil himself. Never buy moss from them, it's a con. If you want moss then get it from aqua-essentials or greenmachine.
milla said:
Welcome to UKAPS
pm me your name and address and i will send you some flame moss (won't be loads, but more than you get from AMagic).

Feel free to donate to UKAPS if you wish once recieved.


.........I don't suppose that also applies to slightly less new people? 😱
Aquatic magic I'll have you know are actually incredibly good and honest merchants, I bought a box of plants from them all of which were special orders and it arrived earlier than expected well packed with more plants than I'd ordered and easily the best quality out of any plants I have ever received. Big portions too. 6 times since I've bought from them and not once have I had an issue that hasn't been resolved swiftly and without issue. Yes they sell some mosses that people struggle with but this is down to tank condition rather than the moss being aquatic or not, star moss the biggest culprit needs Very hard water and lots of co2, it's called concrete moss everywhere else for a reason.
Louis_last's depiction I find, couldn't be further from the truth.

.........I don't suppose that also applies to slightly less new people? 😱[/quote]

Sorry louis, i just sent out the last of what i have after this trim otherwise you would have been welcome to some
i only have a little in a shrimp tank and it grows so slow.
But if you are willing to wait a few weeks possibly a month or so until its ready for a trim again then i can put you down for the next lot. pm if you want to wait (so i know who has asked for what - i have a bit of a list going at the moment).
Garuf said:
Aquatic magic I'll have you know are actually incredibly good and honest merchants, I bought a box of plants from them all of which were special orders and it arrived earlier than expected well packed with more plants than I'd ordered and easily the best quality out of any plants I have ever received. Big portions too. 6 times since I've bought from them and not once have I had an issue that hasn't been resolved swiftly and without issue. Yes they sell some mosses that people struggle with but this is down to tank condition rather than the moss being aquatic or not, star moss the biggest culprit needs Very hard water and lots of co2, it's called concrete moss everywhere else for a reason.
Louis_last's depiction I find, couldn't be further from the truth.

Lots of people seem to have had very different experiences with this company, I have heard that it changed hands and it went downhill with the new owners.
Anyway, my depiction of them concerns moss specifically rather than any of their other plants/dry goods which for all I know may be of excellent quality. They sell more than one species of moss that is NOT aquatic, cement moss technically speaking is not aquatic but is actually pretty easy to grow submerged given the right conditions however it is worth mentioning that they sell it as 'very hardy' and 'able to withstand a great variety of water conditions' with 'no CO2' this is absolutely not the case and is a deliberate lie on their part also plagiomnium affinis will never thrive aquatically nor will fissidens splachnabraoides both are advertised as being 'easy to grow' in a 'wide range of conditions' this is very simply false advertising or even more simply 'a massive lie' as the best you can expect from these even under ideal aquatic conditions is some stunted new growth before ultimately both die because they cannot adapt to true aquatic growth.
It is also a fact that aquatic magic DO NOT cultivate the moss they sell themselves, they instead buy it from a third party who in most cases 'cultivates it outdoors' but in reality collects it from the wild, any moss you purchase from them is liable to be unreliably identified and covered in mud, insects etc.
In this country it would actually be illegal for them to make the claims they do.