I've had a image in my head for some time now, involves my tank with a giant rock in the middle, surrounded by grassey stuff with the rock covered in moss.
Last week I got around to setting this up and bought some moss balls because well, its called moss, only to discover it's not moss. I don't much like the look of it and as far as I can tell it doesnt stick to rock! What I am really after is yellow moss that grows and spreads out, but after looking around the internet it doesn't seem like there is such a thing?
So now I am wondering about lichen. It's probably a silly idea but the land variety comes in all sorts of colours! 😀 Since I've never seen nor heard of this stuff in a fish tank I suspect there is no such thing so I am throwing it out there to see if any of the knowledgable people over at UKAPS can help me out.
Any help much appreciated...
Last week I got around to setting this up and bought some moss balls because well, its called moss, only to discover it's not moss. I don't much like the look of it and as far as I can tell it doesnt stick to rock! What I am really after is yellow moss that grows and spreads out, but after looking around the internet it doesn't seem like there is such a thing?
So now I am wondering about lichen. It's probably a silly idea but the land variety comes in all sorts of colours! 😀 Since I've never seen nor heard of this stuff in a fish tank I suspect there is no such thing so I am throwing it out there to see if any of the knowledgable people over at UKAPS can help me out.
Any help much appreciated...