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AquaScaping World - online aquascaping magazine

It's quite good isn't it, Nice job.
What a superb idea. This has been a long time coming and I'm glad it's been done so well.

This is a great opportunity to promote the international aquascaping hobby.

I've joined the forum and already put up a couple of threads.

JohnN (admin) is a nice guy as well. When I get time to submit some articles to UKAPS, I'll likely submit them there too.

I enjoyed our own Tom's algae eater article. Nice one mate.
I agree, its very well done, definitely more room in the market for quality productions, I guess keeping it going on a monthly basis with new content will be the challange.

I do believe I may be featured in next months edition 🙂

Well done Tom I actually didn't spot that until you pointed it out, good article.