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Aquascaping coaching


30 Sep 2011
Goodmorning everyone,

I know this might sound a bit weird but I think it will help alot of people. I was wondering if it was possible for an established aquascaper from this forum to coach a beginner aquascaper into creating an aquascape from scratch. Maybe setting the beginner aquascaper up to read some material then get him out there to chose a tank and a substrate etc. This would be a bit challenging especially for someone like me since I have limited choices here in Cyprus!

So is anyone up for the challenge? 😀

Thank you.
There are lots of journals you can read to get that type of information. As for structured tutorials and homework... I don't know 😀
I have followed alot of journals and tutorials but really its hard at the begining especially when you need to chose the equipment and substrate and plants. And then if something goes wrong what will you do? Well I guess if someone can start a journal it will be good but a journal is mostly what you do and not what others should tell you to do all along the way 😀
flygja said:
Sounds like you need to find someone around you to take you around!

Thats the problem my friend! I have been into this hobby for several years but did not manage much because nobody has the knowhow or the equipment to help out. I mean I get most of my staff from the UK shipped here. I have never seen a tank that is worth entering an aquascaping contest. 🙂
Maybe you can start by checking out some Youtube videos. There are lots of nice set up videos by The Green Machine and ADG Vibe among the other personal ones.
The best way to learn is to actually Aquascape, do lots, go outside and see nature and read journals.

get two or three tanks and try new things, copy if you have to, the basics are here on forum, so just look for it and ask as you go along.

I agree with luis.

If a scaper were 'guided' and the tank were to fail, who's to blame?

It's about looking, watching and learning. Forums, and especially this one, are full of the basics to get going.

Learn how to grow plants, then move on from there.
Yep. Also use the search facility on the forum, it is very handy.

There are journals here that are epics, and the users are humble enough o respond to direct questions.

I have been keeping fish for a large time, since I was 11 and I am almost 40, but only with plants for 2 years. I can safely say that most of what I know about keeping plants has been learnt here on ukaps, and on Tom Barr. Now moving to aquascaping, but I needed to have the basis sorted out first. 🙂

Don't take shortcuts, this hobby is not for people that want quick results, although you can do something amazing with just moss and wood. 🙂

Thanks for the answers. As I said in a previous post, the problem is that alot of the advice that is given on this forum cannot be followed since alot of staff are unavailable to us here in Cyprus e.g no good substrate, no dry ferts, no good lighting etc. However I read loads and loads of material in here and on other sites and I will give it a shot. I will be starting a journal and you better be watching to help out 😀 At the moment I am not interested in getting the best aquascape of all time but rather getting an aquarium with a basic aquascapethat will have healthy green lushious plants, no algae and healthy fish! 8)
Ok, so stuff is not available there? I've been to Cyprus a number of times, to Nicosia. Good rocks, enough driftwood, and ferts are worldwide, they have many uses, otherwise buy in bulk and resell.

Planwise, with your weather there is really no excuse not to get a greenhouse. 🙂

Fish may be the tricky to get, but there has to be livebearers or tetras available.

Why also not buy from abroad? I have had rocks shipped from Portugal, wood from the US, and plants from Asia, Poland and Russia. 🙂
