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Aquascaping Aqua One 620t Yes or No?


1 Jul 2016
East Sussex

I've got quite a lot of substrate, and hardscape left over from my trigon 350 build and I've been debating what to do with it. I've also found a unused Aqua One 620t tank in the under stairs cupboard.

What are your thoughts on how good this tank would be as an aquascaped shrimp tank? I don't have a light unit for the tank or filter so would have to get something appropriate for it if I was to use it, or would it be better for me to get a new nano tank something like a 50 litre Aquaopti or Dennerle scapers tank?


Depends on your goals I suppose - & where you have to locate the tank - assuming this is the tall tank
Aquarium = 39d x 62w x 72h cm

I'd be careful about placing it on a counter that wasn't purpose built IF you're going to use the full height for water

As you've the tank already, I might try it as a riparium style (doesn't sound as if you've the hood with built in filter etc anyway)

If you're not all that keen on the height of the tank, I'd just sell the 620t & buy a something like the Dennerle scapers tank (45cm x 36cm x 31H cm) which has rather nice dimensions for aquascaping 🙂
Hi, I hadn't considered a riparium, but quite like the idea. Ideally I would like to get a Dennerle scapers tank. Just need to wait for a second hand one to come up on ebay at a decent price.
