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Aquariums at work


23 Oct 2007
Cumbria, UK
I'll be starting a new job next week and, whilst it isn't first on my list of office mods, I have toyed with the idea of using my redundant PFK cube on my desk once I've settled in.

My only concern is holidays - it's a school, and whilst I am working all year round, the place is closed for Christmas and I will have other holidays during the year too. Aside from me there's unlikely to be anyone else around so should I be considering this or not?

I'd be low tech but I'd still look at CO2 and probably use of Tropica PN+ as opposed to EI, would this be manageable?
how big is the cube? (dimensions, litres)

if its only a short holiday like xmas you will probably be fine (could as if you can nip in once to feed them or something..

but over the summer when its 5+ weeks, if the tank is small enough, why not take it home?
nry said:
I'd be low tech but I'd still look at CO2 and probably use of Tropica PN+ as opposed to EI, would this be manageable?
It is not low tech if you add co2 😉

From experience, if you stock carefully you can get away with months at a time inbetween any maintenance. Just feed the fauna and that is it.

I used floating plants and ferns to achieve this. Do not even need to dose ferts with these plants.
Cube is 30cm square. I would be working all school hols for the most part but we'd be shut for 2 weeks at Christmas and I have to take my annual leave in school hols too.

Sounds feasible though 🙂