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Journal Aquarium to terrarium + Terrabase M


28 Feb 2014
Solna, Sweden
120 litre aquarium to high humidity plant terrarium
After reading a bit about plant terrariums, the existing aquarium setup felt rather suitable for this purpose. I had a bag of Tropica's Aquarium soil, and read somewhere that it had been successfully used in a plant terrarium, so decided to try with it. The round shape seemed also to ensure that the soil won't be packed too tight. Then I added some orchid bark on top to make the appearance more pleasing.

This was the starting point two years ago:

The setup has worked better than I hoped. As expected, few plants from the original selection did not adapt well, but other have thrived and new plants have been added along the way. Today after pruning:

DOOA Terrabase M
In addition to the main terrarium, I started a DOOA Terrabase M setup at the beginning of this summer.

Mosses and twigs attached (1st pic). Today, 3 months later (2nd, 3rd pic)
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Like I mentioned in the first post, the terrarium has gone through some plants changes and additions, so it was time to do an inventory of the plants.
  • Leucobryum glaucum (Pin cushion moss)
  • Fittonia albivenis cultivars (could be white nerve, forest flame and pink)
  • Asplenium viride (Green spleenwort)
  • Asparagus plumosus (Common asparagus fern)
  • Gynura aurantiaca (Purple velvet plant)
  • Begonia rex (Painted-leaf begonia, no idea of the cultivar name)
  • Begonia amphioxus (Red butterfly begonia)
  • Ficus pumila (Climbing fig)
  • Neoregalia lilliputiana (Dwarf bromeliad)
  • Neoregalia 'Mephisto' (Bromeliad)
  • Bulbophyllum falcatum orchid

Terrabase plants:
  • Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java moss)
  • Taxiphyllum sp. 'Spiky moss'
  • Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam'
  • Bucephalandra Kedagang
  • Anubias barteri nana
  • Aerangis fastuosa orchid