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Aquarium suckers


22 Feb 2016
hi guys anyone found any clear aquarium suckers that don’t go cloudy/white,hard then fall off ? Bought dozens off eBay but all do the same thing as hard to tell which are the cheap ones or decent ones,Bain of my life at moment.
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Watched a video somewhere that it was suggested to get double the ammount U need(2 sets) and rotate them on weekly maintanance giving them the chance to dry out and regain transparency
Haven't tried that tho as I use black ones to blend in my background.
Regards Konsa
clear aquarium suckers that don’t go cloudy/white,hard then fall off ?

No unfortunately not.. That's why i also always buy black ones, at least they stay black no matter how dirty they get.. 🙂
That's why i also always buy black ones, at least they stay black no matter how dirty they get
Hey Marcel;
Do you not find the black ones still get the slimy film up on them? - Not so much playing with the colour or going hard but you can feel it.
I've tried various different brands and always find the same.
Hey Marcel;
Do you not find the black ones still get the slimy film up on them? - Not so much playing with the colour or going hard but you can feel it.
I've tried various different brands and always find the same.

Yes, that is biofilm, that's normal i guess everything placed under water will get slimey in time. Also the glass has it, and both glass and cup need to be clean or it lets go again soon. Personaly i try not to use any in the water but if i can't get around it i rather use a black one.