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Aquarium rescape help

  • Thread starter Thread starter SJL
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16 Jan 2012
This is my tank at the moment but due to work I have let it slide abit , I have just bought a t5ho light 4 & 24w and all gear for co2 . I would like some help with set up , plant advice etc my aim is to try and grow a carpet of something and mainly keep shrimp.adajaryp.jpg latest pic7u7atehy.jpg
Re: Aquarium rescape help

Thats a lovely tank set in the wall like that. A good place to start with obtaining help with your setup is to give us all an idea of what equipment you run, tank dimensions etc, and a bit about what you hope to achieve. Then people can answer any questions you wish to raise. What is your current substrate too, and are you hoping to keep that or buy new planted substrate ? Its not necessary but can help. 🙂
Re: Aquarium rescape help

Hi antipofish thanks ,sorry here is the current spec : rena xp1 filter , rena inline heater , tank is 65ltr 60x30x45 ish cm substrate is John innes potting soil covered with 2mm gravel , I have some more substrate to add I know it's a really good quality one but no longer have the packaging So I can't name it! Not much help I know! My aim is to grow a carpet of some sort with other plants in the mid to back part of the tank. I realise the heater/return may have to change as the grills are to big to use with shrimp that's why I have put some sponge over it .
Re: Aquarium rescape help

SJL said:
Hi antipofish thanks ,sorry here is the current spec : rena xp1 filter , rena inline heater , tank is 65ltr 60x30x45 ish cm substrate is John innes potting soil covered with 2mm gravel , I have some more substrate to add I know it's a really good quality one but no longer have the packaging So I can't name it! Not much help I know! My aim is to grow a carpet of some sort with other plants in the mid to back part of the tank. I realise the heater/return may have to change as the grills are to big to use with shrimp that's why I have put some sponge over it .

Just as a quick reply... Your regular return for the Rena filter is fine, just replace the normal strainer with a shrimp guard. I think you can get them from one of our sponsors but don't recall which. Or on Ebay. The heater can still be used as a stand alone heater, or you might consider a Hydor inline external heater. I swear by them.

Take a picture of the substrate you have. We may be able to identify it for you 🙂
I'm thinking a riccia carpet or some lilleaopsis ? Any thoughts? Also I would like to keep some tall plants in the tank an I understand if I trim the crypts whilst in the tank they release a form of poison for shrimp? Cheers
Re: Aquarium rescape help

SJL said:
I'm thinking a riccia carpet or some lilleaopsis ? Any thoughts? Also I would like to keep some tall plants in the tank an I understand if I trim the crypts whilst in the tank they release a form of poison for shrimp? Cheers

Riccia is a great carpet plant... if you have the time and patience to maintain it. Unfortunately with riccia fluitans it is a floating plant so its main aim in life is to float! 😉 the good thing about this plant is its a very fast grower with an amazingly bright colour. If netted correctly you can really produce a wonderful carpet. (check out my triptych link). I need to make you aware that keeping ontop of your riccia is a tricky process. if left to grow to long the underside of the ricca recieves no light and eventually dies, this then detaches from the pads (netting, what ever it is on) and will float to the top. If your filter is any good it will blow it around the tank like there is no tommorw so cleaning the riccia from plants and hard scape is a f*cking nightmare (exscuse the foulness). Fortunately I have had this growing in many tanks for about a year so I can give you some little tips. 🙂 do not be put off. if maintained correctly the outcome is brilliant. I love it because its easy and durable. Even though mine is low tech i get it to pearl and it looks great.

When trimming the riccia do so once a week if you can. with co2 it will grow faster than I have it growing (i have none) When trimming turn off your filter/s so you can trim and then catch it when it floats to the top with a net. the more you stay on top of trimming the bushyier and clumpier it gets, resulting in a lovely thick carpet that you can bounce your hand on. I do need to stress that if you leave it to grow and it does die you will need to replant the whole pad which is a right hassle. I have seen people youing electric shavers which makes it easier.

DO NOT BE PUT OFF! its fanastic to use. I just thought you should know the pros and cons as this happened to me at first and i was devestated after about 2-3 months. Now I have learnt to keep ontop of it im pleased and will not change it till my new scape.

Hope that helps buddy 🙂 if there is anything else you need to know just ask. Im pretty upto date with riccia as I have had many catastrophes! :lol:

Re: Aquarium rescape help

Thank you Jack , is nice to know the truth to be able to gauge how much maintainance is req'd , I really like the look of it tho so I can see more questions bieng asked! So I re scaped the tank yesterday mainly just hard scape I left one amazon sword in there and two crypts the other one is a grass of some description with no name an ID would be great i have had a look i think its blyxa japonica? and the other dark green grass type plant was labeled SPECIAL with no idea what it is!! 8yryqaza.jpg