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Aquarium Query


16 Aug 2013
I am looking to buy a 60l aquarium and I have seen an offer online for

The Marina Premium 54l with a cabinet and internal filter for a 100.00 GBP.

There aren't any reviews of it so wanted to know if it's worth a buy.

Thanks guys.
I assume you've seen the photos ... it's not in the modern style so price should reflect that, especially as glass clarity is very different these days, also the dark edges, cabinet will be press board etc so be careful of water spills (especially over time), filter is underpowered so you'll likely want to upgrade that (for reasons of water clarity & flow), LED lighting will be on the low intensity end & you may not like the color spectrum much (or perhaps you might 😉)
If you do end up upgrading various bits, then it's often better to just start with the separate pieces that you like/need.

OTOH you can likely make this work as a low tech tank.

I like it better now that I see it can be removed from the frame
Thanks for the info Alto. really appreciate it.
Agree with your comments. I might not go in for it and keep a watch on the sale section on this forum for a better one
Perhaps only the 84 has the LED lights ... 54 seems to be a single fluorescent tube (check if it's T5 or ?)
Of course I just picked up a couple of the Spec 5 tanks on sale 🙄 - though I've done nothing with them yet