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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

KrisHumphreys1991 said:
Congrats 🙂

Hope they come on well !

tim said:
Nice one ady hope the little fellas are still doing well

Cheers guys,
Seems they are doing ok but not prolific. It's suggested that survival rates are small but I've counted 13 tonight of different sizes. I'm guessing they are from multiple batches/females but it's nice to see double figures 😀
Just did a very tentative water change and filter clean so will see how things go over the next few days. I'm going to have to keep on top of water changes now regardless as TDS was 148ppm pre w/c tonight which is a tad on the high side. Post water change its 141ppm, Didn't want to drop it right down in one go so will attempt to get it nearer 120-130ppm again over the next few weeks. To help with this and some algae issues and browning mosses I've switched the 18w light off permanently (chose this as I don't like the colour rendition it gives) so down to the 11w fluval one for 6 hr photoperiod. Will continue 1ml/day easycarbo and reduce ferts to around 1ml/day to prevent fast rises in TDS.
Ady34 said:
KrisHumphreys1991 said:
Congrats 🙂

Hope they come on well !

tim said:
Nice one ady hope the little fellas are still doing well

Cheers guys,
Seems they are doing ok but not prolific. It's suggested that survival rates are small but I've counted 13 tonight of different sizes. I'm guessing they are from multiple batches/females but it's nice to see double figures 😀
Just did a very tentative water change and filter clean so will see how things go over the next few days. I'm going to have to keep on top of water changes now regardless as TDS was 148ppm pre w/c tonight which is a tad on the high side. Post water change its 141ppm, Didn't want to drop it right down in one go so will attempt to get it nearer 120-130ppm again over the next few weeks. To help with this and some algae issues and browning mosses I've switched the 18w light off permanently (chose this as I don't like the colour rendition it gives) so down to the 11w fluval one for 6 hr photoperiod. Will continue 1ml/day easycarbo and reduce ferts to around 1ml/day to prevent fast rises in TDS.


Your Tds should be fine at that level....I'd be worried if it climbed above 180-200.....
Yeah all seems fine so tds at 150 ish is ok but just want to lower it a little as ive maintained it around 130ppm from the start which has worked well.
counted 15 shrimplets tonight so water change carried out without fatalities it seems 😀
Slightly better phone pics.
Seeing more and more shrimplets, they are getting bigger and more brave and also noticed at least 2 more berried shrimp, one of which is v close to dropping as the eggs have changed colour to more transparent so you can see the eyes! It's not the one in the pic below this is another one. Really pleased so far especially now there activity and size is increasing....it's great!

Fun on the Fissidens!




Very jealous ady, you must be very chuffed! Im still at the point of being unsure if they will survive let alone breed! If mine make it to a month then ill add another ten, then roll on the blue bolts and pandas :lol: wishful!
Looks like you have a good amount of babies too, the tank will be buzzing in no time!!
Must be due a new video once they get a little bigger. :thumbup:
easerthegeezer said:
Very jealous ady, you must be very chuffed! Im still at the point of being unsure if they will survive let alone breed! If mine make it to a month then ill add another ten, then roll on the blue bolts and pandas :lol: wishful!
Looks like you have a good amount of babies too, the tank will be buzzing in no time!!
Must be due a new video once they get a little bigger. :thumbup:

Im sure youll manage fine mate, then the more the merrier :thumbup: ....ive been searching out shrimp in the tank for long enough so hopefully these babies will survive and immediately double my quantity, its looked barren for months with my 2 boys asking "where are they Daddy?", now theyre enjoying seeking out the young and hopefully there will be a sea of red and white activity before long!
Westyggx said:
Hope mine breed soon, got the same as you a couple of weeks later!
Think I've got luck really, I'm sure yours will start before long. What you keeping your TDS at?

Shrimplets doing really well, must have 20+ and all growing rapidly 🙂 more berried females so looks set for a population invasion over the coming months which is great for the tank. What isn't great for the tank is the state it's in looks wise :lol: detached moss and the odd bit of filamentous algae strings, and a couple of minute tufts of bba. Been leaving well alone of late but will get round to a tidy up soon. Then I'll pop another vid up.
I've considered doing away with the plants entirely in this set up and opting for leaf litter instead, but I suppose I may open up a can if worms changing things around...for now ill keep it as is as I'm more happy with the shrimps reproducing. Still not adding any food for them, but a few brown bits of moss must be keeping them plump! :lol:
Hi Nath,
All going well really. Haven't really given it any attention and needs a tidy up still but keep getting more new shrimplets so it never seems a good time to get in there and sort it out.
Must have at least 40+ shrimplets now all at various sizes from different batches. The first batch are coming along nicely now.
Hope all goes well with yours, I'm sure they'll do great.

Thanks for the interest and here's a few pics I've just taken to show the sizes:



And some are really tiny:




Mark Evans said:
Looking good Ady. I take it your over most of your issues?.....

Great to see baby CRS :thumbup:

Yeah CRS babies are cool, miniatures of the adults from the get go and it's great that the tank looks like it will be full of CRS before long 😀
As for the issues, well it flattered to deceive and is a bit of a mess scape wise 😳 the shrimp are doing great but man it needs a tidy and as for growing plants, despite my best efforts, they too are green and that's about the best that could be said for them :lol:
No real growth, only survival and a dash of thread algae too....I'm sure gas would get things going but for the time being it will be shrimp focused although I do like the Idea of micro rasbora or chocolate gourami in here with the addition of a heater but then it would be goodbye shrimp.
Either way it seems all I think I've learned about planted tanks I still can't put it all together either semi low tech or high tech.....on the plus side it seems I could go into breeding crs :lol:

Whitey89 said:
Absolutely fantastic mate, chuffed your doing so well! We will see how it goes mate 🙂

Thanks mate, I'm sure you'll do just fine, your shrimp look great!
Tank update.
Did a tidy up so this is how things are looking.
1ml daily of easy carbo and ferts. 11w fluval clip on light for 6hr photoperiod.
Anubias and fern doing well, as is the fissidens, albeit a little slow.
Moved the hair grass to the left and rear to open things up again where the sand bed is. Removed most of the mosses which had become dislodged and were floating freely.
Moved the 2 hillstream loaches from the studio tank as felt the lower temps if this tank and no c02 would suit them better and they won't be a threat to the shrimplets.
Would quite like a small shoal of corydoras hastatus for this set up, but think 21-22 celcius is on the edge of being too cool for them.
Anyway enough rambling.


Very Nice :thumbup:
Hey Ady, this tank is doing really well mate! Really like this layout. Seems to be doing well with just the 11w, do you think you need the liquid carb with 11w? Been tempted to add it to my nano now I'm not worried about the riccia.
Very envious of the Shrimplets!
Whitey89 said:
Beautiful setup Ady. 🙂

OllieNZ said:
Very Nice :thumbup:

:thumbup: Thanks.

easerthegeezer said:
Hey Ady, this tank is doing really well mate! Really like this layout. Seems to be doing well with just the 11w, do you think you need the liquid carb with 11w? Been tempted to add it to my nano now I'm not worried about the riccia.
Very envious of the Shrimplets!

Hi Iain,
not really sure on the lc, but it cant hurt....except the pocket slightly 😉 Actually growth is so slow and patchy i think if i stopped dosing the would be a negative effect, since reducing the lighting down its the first time my hydrocotle has shown any growth so thats a plus and suggests a better light c02 balance....if i added more lc then it may really take off and i might get 2 new leaves a month from the crypts :lol:
Guessing your riccia test in the lc dosed barb island tank has flourished?
Shrimplets are great, put some food in for the first time tonight as ive got the loaches in there too and the shrimp were all over it..... was nice to watch 🙂 Sure your tank will be awash with them soon enough :thumbup: