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Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th Nov List Names PLSE

Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th oct

SteveUK said:
Count me in 🙂 I can get the train to Worcester, if I can hitch a lift from the station with someone?

I will pick you mate,just let me know which station ok,
Ok this the plan,for those coming from the north/north east and above worcester meet at my house at 0930 to 10am latest,and please dont be late as lateness is my pet hate :evil: ,by the time we say our hello,s and leave my house i think we will be at aqujardin around 11-15 to 1130 am,please add your name to the list if you are a definite.

Can't make it so soon after almost 2 weeks away from home.

I'll be seeing some of the Aquajardin guys later this week in London, so it's not all bad.

I do look forward to visiting at some point though. Can't wait to see their 'Dreamscape' display tank in particular...

Have fun and be sure to take looks of pics, please!
George Farmer said:
Can't make it so soon after almost 2 weeks away from home.

I'll be seeing some of the Aquajardin guys later this week in London, so it's not all bad.

I do look forward to visiting at some point though. Can't wait to see their 'Dreamscape' display tank in particular...

Have fun and be sure to take looks of pics, please!
Oh George that's pants,never mind maybe after Xmas we can do something,
Cheers john
Was going to be Gloucester, John. Where would be easiest do you reckon?
Mark evans (coming with andyh)
Gareth Callear (Training it from Leeds)
Steve Smith (Train from Leamington via Bham newstreet)

Just booked my train ticket. I'll be hitting Birmingham Newstreet about 8:17am and leaving for Worcester Foregate on the 8:49am train, to arrive at 9:29am. Hope that's OK 🙂 If Garuf or anyone else is coming via Newstreet, give me a shout 🙂

There is one earlier train which gets into Worcester at 8:49am but I'd have to be on a train at 6:38am! I'll do it if I have to 😉
Garuf worcester would be better so you can be picked up by me,

SteveUK said:
Mark evans (coming with andyh)
Gareth Callear (Training it from Leeds)
Steve Smith (Train from Leamington via Bham newstreet)

Just booked my train ticket. I'll be hitting Birmingham Newstreet about 8:17am and leaving for Worcester Foregate on the 8:49am train, to arrive at 9:29am. Hope that's OK 🙂 If Garuf or anyone else is coming via Newstreet, give me a shout 🙂

There is one earlier train which gets into Worcester at 8:49am but I'd have to be on a train at 6:38am! I'll do it if I have to 😉

Steve thats cool mate just call when you are 10 mins away and i will pick you out side,
Hi all,i just had a PM off Edward who is manager at aquajardin,they are going to give us 10% discount on the day of our visit,so thanks very much Ed,
Mark evans (coming with andyh)
Gareth Callear (Training it from Leeds)
Steve Smith (Train from Leamington via Bham newstreet)
Sam Watson (I'll see you at the shop )
Amy James (meet you at the shop)
Vivian Nicholas
Hi All,no more members willing to have a nice day out,its a great store with loads of planted stuff,there must be more than 8 members in the midlands :lol: ,

Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th Nov

Themuleous said:
Count me in, what time at the shop then?


PS - changed the thread title to Nov as it had said Oct 😉

By the time i pick up Steve uk and Garuf (don,t know what time his train is getting to worcester yet)i should think we will be at the shop for around 1045 to 11am,

Mark Evans said:
Are you bringing your camera gear john? I'll be lugging my stuff along. lights etc. :lol:

You bet i am :lol: ,i will have in my bag the 100mm 2.8 L macro,the lovely 24-105 mm L,the gorgeous 70-200mm L,10-22 mm wide angle,and the good old nifty fifty,plus my faithful 7D, i need to grow up :lol: :lol: ,Mark you can try the video out on the 7D as i have never used it,
