Bought recently a cabinet from aquael, the ultrascape 60 and the surface dimensions are 60x30cm as per the specifications. To my suprise when I put an aquarium with the same said dimensions (60x30cm) i noticed the tank stook out about 2cm from the cabinets rim. I took the measuring tape and the true width of the cabinet was just 28.2cm, if you factor in the with of the doors you get a total of about 30cm, but that shouldnt be accounted for should it? Sent a mail to the seller and to Aquael separately but no answer yet.
Those of you that have same cabinet or other cabinets from Aquael, do you have the same experince as me? Is this a feature or what is going on?
Those of you that have same cabinet or other cabinets from Aquael, do you have the same experince as me? Is this a feature or what is going on?