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Aquael Pat Mini Filters: cheap on German amazon


15 Nov 2021
heads up for anyone who's a fan of these filters
I've just received a package of four from amazon.de, purchased at €11.20 a go, plus about €5 shipping. Total cost, £43.91
Cheapest I could find in UK was about £18.
Thought there might be issues with customs / VAT, but none at all. Ordered 20th June, arrived 26th.
Current price is €13.64, but that still beats any price I know of in UK.
btw, if you have an amazon.de account and log in from UK, almost everything on the site is in English.
I've never even thought of looking at the other amazon sites!
Ah, well funnily enough it's your fault I was looking on amazon.de .. after the discussion of Blau tanks, of which there are not many on amazon.uk. I'm fond of shallow tanks so I thought I'd look for the one you were talking about stocking. The seller on amazon.de seems to be Stattrand Aquaristik (who were also the sellers of my Blau 90L cube). They are also the sellers of the Aquael Pat.
That is funny! Now I have to look too, I do like the pat minis
me too... I have two in each of my 150L tanks... They are great for adding circulation and avoiding stale areas in a densely planted tank. The sponge is fairly small so it needs a regular rinse and squeeze. A very versatile circulation filter and perfectly shrimp/shrimplet safe.
