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Aquael bowl


6 Apr 2018
I have several large tanks,typically260litres each. I have just been given an aquael bowl tank approx 50 litres complete with light ,heater, filter,all housed in the lid. Its a very nice set up and as new.however i am uneasy regarding keeping fish in bowls ,probably because of seeing goldfish in bowls giv en away at fairgrounds when i was a kid. I toyed with the idea of putting a male betta in there together with substrate and plants.its a very large bowl but still a bowl.please can anyone offer advice/views on these type of “tanks”for fish. Many thanks.
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Totally agree about bowls in general but 60 litres (13 gallons) properly filtered and heated sounds fine. I keep shrimp in a 30 litre planted Denerrle (not a bowl) as do many and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable putting a betta in a 60 litre tank.
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Hi there,
I've not used one of the Aquael bowls but I have seen them. I got the impression it was like an upmarket glass Biorb style bowl with a powered trickle filter instead of an air powered box filter. I presume you would get better flow round the bowl shape with the powered filter. The led seems very tiny to light the whole thing!
I think you would be ok with fish of some kind if the volume is around 50 litres, it all depends on how easy it is to maintain & keep clean being globe shaped.
Otherwise a terrarium would be nice if you're into that kind of plant growing!