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Aqua nano30


New Member
10 Sep 2015
I'm looking to plant my Aqua nano 30 it's a 22litre but unsure of substrate as never done a planted tank before its gonna be for a betta and I have wood and gonna get Anubis not sure how to start though

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If you are only going for Anubius you don't need to worry about substrate, just get what you like as Anubius grows happily with it's roots even hanging free. If you want to plant Anubius in the substrate (again it doesn't really matter which substrate) make sure not to cover the rizoos as they will rot and your plant will die.
However, they will grow a bit faster in a nutrient rich substrate like Amazonia (if planted in substrate, not attached to wood or rock).
I wouldn't mind a carpet plant like

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Like I know Anubis are easy but would like to have a nice fairly planted aquarium and the only plant in aware are easy ish are Anubis would like others

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Are you going to inject CO2 in one way or another?....if yes, you are able to grow many different plant species ..... if not, you will be more limited in your plant choice which doesn't mean that you can't have a awesome looking planted tank.
Make clear to yourself what your goal is with your tank and go from there.
Like I wouldn't mind some sort of hair grass but would have to keep it trimmed I do like this too 840d27bccfa255c235fa43663bd2c7cd.jpg

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What substrate would u say the Ada or the tropica

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What substrate would u say the Ada or the tropica

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I only use ADA Amazonia as I can't get Tropica here (or any other good brand) and so far it didn't let me down, but I guess both brand a equal, just choose which ever you like, I'm sure you can get good results from each one of them.
Only thing with the ada is the ammonia spike that's the only down fall I hear but it's the question do I go all in and get everything I need apart from the Ada on the one site n get Ada from somewhere else or get everything including the tropica soil on one site

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Many tank owners on this forum use ADA, yes it does give an ammonia spike but it also gives a nice stable water quality after that, just change 50% water every other day for the first 2 weeks (shouldn't be a big deal with a nano tank) after that do a 50% WC every week (or twice a week if you want) and you're good to go.
The WC as I just mentioned is also good if you go for Tropica substrate.