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Applying sticky back frosted background?


4 Oct 2023
I had been planning on buying a translucent vinyl backdrop which attached with just water but I accidentally bought the sticky back plastic kind - Amazon product ASIN B00CZ6VQZ0
Does anyone who whether this will work okay or whether I'll be able to see the glue?
The link seems not to have worked. It's fablon semi opaque self adhesive window film.
I wouldn't use a sticky one to be honest, that's asking for trouble [Edit: that is to say it may be a problem if, when, you decided you need or want to change it].

I just use this, only problem is the hight if you have a high tank but okay if you have raised the substrate at the back - though they have 60 and 90cm hight versions too.

Qualsen Window Film Privacy Natural Frosted Non-Adhesive No Glue Office Home Bathroom Living Room Kitchen Glass Film (44.3 x 200cm) https://amzn.eu/d/hHlBaKN
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