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Aponogeton madagascariensis


New Member
3 Oct 2024
Tring, Hertfordshire, UK
Thought my experiences with this plant may be of interest. I have a very large now, approx. 12 year old A. madagascariensis which is doing really well ( perhaps too well) in a soft water 200L aquarium with aquatic compost overlain with Fluval Stratum and fine(ish) sand, which has flowered a number of times.
The only quite major problem I have had with this plant is that its leaves can be a potential death trap for small fish. On three occassions I have had to save three fish, one Beckfords Pencil which sadly perished, and two X Ray Tetras which survived, having all been netted in its perforated leaves. Bit of a dilema really, I struggled to grow this plant and remember decades ago this was considered to be specialist only and hard to grow and the pinnacle species for any aquarist to grow ( how things have changed) and hate the thought of having to remove and consign to the compost bin. So a cautionary tale for anyone with small fish considering this plant or vice versa.
Just bought two, so will be growing the plant for the first time in 25 years.

It grew like a weed in my discus tank until it went dormant then it was goodbye. Bad advice, back then.

Any tips for me when it goes dormant, hopefully after 12 years of experience you've got it nailed?