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Anyone Know If This Is Any Good?

It's a tetra aqua art 60l by the looks of it, the price isn't stupidly cheap as they go for £30 ish on ebay but they are lovely tanks though.... certainly would get my vote 🙂
It apparently comes with a filter and heater, im guessing the stock lights won't be the best.. but i could always get new ones.

JenCliBee what do you think of the stock lights in the hood ? Assuming you have had one or something?
It used to be a single 15w T8 bulb which is fine for your average plants not sure if they changed to T5's at any point but i dont think they did... so really it just depends on what plans you have for the tank tbh.

Just found out they have sold it 20 minutes ago, they said they werent going to hold it til later for me when they had other people interested. :thumbdown:

Oh well. Probably a good thing i didnt get it ! :lol: