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Any suggestions?


27 Oct 2017

This is my first big tank and it’s been running since November. It’s 400l, I’m running 2 60cm chirios A series leds at half strength, an APS 2000l filter. Water parameters are all good but the ph is higher than my small tank which I blame on the white sand I bought that I hate. It sits at high 7’s where as my small tank is always low 6’s... No CO2..

The sand was much whiter than I thought and it just looked a bit daft when I set it up and it was a nightmare to keep clean looking. So I kind of gave up on it and was planning on sucking it all out and was going to put in normal sand but in the mean time some serious green algae started growing on which I think I quite like. Also I bought a few corys which have messed it up and mixed the other sand in with it so it looks a bit more natural I think..

I was dosing EI but stopped as the algae was getting pretty bad and it didn’t seem to be doing much. I think I have the algae under control, I reduced the photo period to 8 hours and turned the lights down and it doesn’t seem to be getting any worse, although it’s still there...

I’m kind of new to planted tanks and fish keeping in general so I’m just experimenting with this just now which is why I’ve got a random selection of fish, I just fancied seeing what I like..

Anyway I feel like I should do something but don’t what so was wondering if anyone had any suggestions?

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That looks like cyanobacteria rather than algae. Generally not a good thing to have a lot of and probably best to nip it in the bud before it spreads. If you like the look though, you can replicate it with flattened moss balls. That will give you the same green fuzzy mat.
Cool thanks, flattened moss balls is a cunning plan!
Yes I need to take some action to try and sort this algae out.. I was intending on putting shrimp in to help with the algae so I put a couple in to see if they would survive but they have disappeared..
I'll maybe just bite the bullet and suck the sand out.