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Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

I imagine it's not much better than the lucky reptile system, noisy, no power, clogs up and uses 100 gallons of water every second.
Really liking the
ENT Power Pump Misting System @ £124, it would run up to 35 nozzles, so I would get a lot of use of it, I very much doubt that I would need more than 30 nozzles. LOL..

So to something like that I would just need to add the tubes and nozzles.

I am thinking about visiting the shop in early November, only 5 hours round trip from London, but at £25 return it would make sense, as I would save on the postage, and I would get to ask stupid questions.. 🙂

I am more interested on the mosses, and plants, don't think that I would keep frogs. 🙂

Maybe we can have a section here on the forum for Vivariums? 🙂 There are plants on vivariums.. 😀
Tubes, nozzles, connectors and a water basin.

Bare in mind Birmingham is the closest city, it's actually in the middle of nowhere, we needed a sat nav to get there.

If you want terrarium plants you need to check out the German or Dutch sites. The hobby is far more advanced over there.


More Orchids than you can ever imagine! :lol: I'm about to order some from here and really get into orchids.

For Broms, Bert's the man!
