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Any cryptocorynes that like soft, acidic water?

20 Nov 2022
Hi all, my tank is 100% untreated rain water, so probably very soft and acidic, and it's how the fish like it so I don't want to change it. Any recommendations for soft water loving cryptocorynes?

Thank you
There are a lot I started a thread on the topic - some very nice ones like red spiralis does extremely well - others i've not been so lucky - i found plain wenditti grows too fast, balanse grows well i already mention spiralis, i think i got my affinis to do so but will need another 4 months to verify, if you can find the thread i made you can see my updates - willis does well too.

Also s repens (not a crypt) does very well.
I've grown several species of cryptocoryne in soft water. I get the impression that they don't really mind.
There are several books on crypts - many come from near blackwater environment - very soft acidic water but others come from different region with very hard water those do not grow so well in soft water. Some cordata will not grow well in hard water (there are different species); c. apongogetifolia comes from hard water though the one i have growing in my 500 which has fairly soft water is spreading like a weed - hate to see it in hard water. c. affinis come from hardwater - i think i got some (the one sold as jacobii pink) to grow in blackwater but i need more time to see if it flourish or dies. There are some cave crypts like cilliata that almost certainly require hard water.

Anyway I'm sure the ones you've grown in softwater work well but it would be good to provide the specific species - sadly - or perhaps gladly - not all species are the same (if nothing else they certainly don't look the same).