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Another newbe


18 Feb 2015
hello ppl
Aquascape has been on my mind since February this year. I've been to busy with work but now I've got some time on my hands so going get as much info as I can and get the ball rolling

I've got a 3ftx3ft 1ft deep tank with a hole drilled directly in the centre at the bottom of the glass bace. Is this size recomended for a Aqua scape set up? If so should I use a sump filter with it being pre drilled
Any size can be used for aqua scaping, also almost any kind of filtration is good, just make sure you have a good flow every where in your tank and a turnover of about 10X, don't fill your filter with to much media (really don't need much as your plants will be your main filter) and you should be good to go.
Would you just use a sponge in an external filter to help polish the water.

Also how do I keep the c02 in the water? I understand I need good water flow but do I keep surface water un disturbed ! i.e No spray bar
🙂You will loose some CO2 through surface agitation, but it's not a bad thing. It will cost you a bit but the balance between CO2 and O2 in the water is more stable. A sump can work, but close it of to keep CO2 in the system. You'll need a solid water change once a week to dilute the waiste products in the water. You'll be ading ferts (macro and micro) regularly (ferts don't cause algea).
These tips and more can be found in the tutorial section. Go spend some time there to get some basics, and forget a lot of "common knowledge/ old wives tales" which are hanging around the hobby.😉
Thanks im going to hang around here. This is the place to learn

When you say a solid change do you mean like 25% per week? Would a drip system work with an overflow connected to a drain. I used the drip system for my discus and was very affective and saved quite a lot of extra work
Up to 50 if possible, but 25 should work too. The more high tech the higher the cleanliness needed i think. Low tech tanks can handle far more dirt/mulm ( even neccesary some will say).Hich tech CO2 enhanced tanks are more race cars, they need better stuff to work better, low light tanks are more diesels, more stable, but slower. I never worrie about the speed of the waterchange, but that may come from having good tap water. I even just chuck in the garden hose and let it run a few hours not minding the temperature drop. I don't think dripping is needed. A large discusbreeder i worked with threw a gardenhose in the filter too when cleaning the holding tanks. No chlorine in our water though.
I'm just feeling my feet with this. Never had success with growing plants in aquariums but I've managed to breed discus. I just need shoving in the right direction. I'm going hi tech with this one. I not sure on the plants I want yet but feeling hair grass as my carpet. I saw a great vid on YouTube on this stuff.

I'm thinking of fitting out 2 external filters ( for even flow rate. One on each side blowing in the same direction) with the Lilly pipes, external heater too. I want as little equipment in the tank as possible really

What substrate is recomended and lights for a 3ft by 3ft. by 1 ft?????
Big tank Rabbit, due to the length and width of the tank getting a good spred of light will part drive the choice. With the tank only 1ft deep you won't need to have masses of intensity to punch through the water. Hard to suggest what substrate is best, I use JBL aquabasis and manado, cheep and working ok for me.
I'm still un decided on the tank. Like I said I do have a 3ft by 3ft by 1ft BUT i could get one made to fit a wall in my living room 7ft long.
Hi jim if it works for you it should work for me. So what ratio do you mix the JBL aquabasis and manado
I'm still un decided on the tank. Like I said I do have a 3ft by 3ft by 1ft BUT i could get one made to fit a wall in my living room 7ft long.
If you opt for a tank fitted on the wall, just make sure you allow for as much access in the tank/equipment as possible for maintenance, even more than you may consider necessary. Not having adequate access, having to posture in weird positions to reach every part of the tank/equipment, will most probably make the necessary weekly maintenance much less enjoyable!
sure you allow for as much access in the tank/equipment as possible for maintenance
agreed! , i made this mistake with my big tank, i can't reach one corner unless i stand in it............
Hi jim if it works for you it should work for me. So what ratio do you mix the JBL aquabasis and manado

Start with a base layer of aquabasis, I went with a depth of 1-2cm and then topped it of with 3-4 manado. My substrate is slopping so I layered in some places. manado is quite light, have had some trouble getting a few plants to take root, but most have been fine.

Start with a base layer of aquabasis, I went with a depth of 1-2cm and then topped it of with 3-4 manado. My substrate is slopping so I layered in some places. manado is quite light, have had some trouble getting a few plants to take root, but most have been fine.

Yes I've reading about ppl finding it hard to root there plants as the mediam is to soft!
This is my biggest concern. How about just using the aquabasis?
After reading a lot of reviews and visiting aquariums shops to look, feel, smell and get a taste of what it all is they write about. I threw the whole specialized aqua soil idea over board.

Did look at the JBL Amado, which i found to light and to sandy in texture. Planting small carpet plants in this will be a challange. Did read in a lot of reviews about the other JBL soil products, it can be unstable in contents and can keep changing the KH value of the water other than the discription of the product tells you. This can happen in certain batches of jbL soils because the clay it is made of comes from various places and various providers. I did read an e-mail conversiation with the JBL service department where they recognized and confirmed the issue after retesting some batches. So by by JBL for me, didn't go fot that.

The best reviews of course are writen about the ADA stuff, but that is rather expensive and not available in regular shops. You have to be lucky to got one near your home. For me i found it to expensive to just take the chance and order it before ai could see, feel and taste it.

After a lot of reading about other brands like Denerle, Colombo, Seachem etc. etc. i only got more confused whit stories about ballenced this and that and wonderfull plant growth and reading reviews about people blaming the soil for there own mistakes. I thought just keep it simple, take something inert and something with a good exchange capicity. So i ended up with a € 15 bag of 14 liter Akadama. Actualy i didn't like the color of Akadama so i still had to by me a top soil in an other color. I ended up with the Colombo Pro scape powder type black.

High tech tanks rarely last much longer than 2 years so why spend much money on expensive long lasting soils. And i only got a small 54 liter tank, so the i didn't mind the reviews of Akadama stating that it can fall apart and brake up in powder after a few years. And form a dence clay mass, mess.. We will see..

The Colombo pro scape powder type also is a very light and small clay granule and it is also a chalenge to get the small carpet plants to hold in it. So i didn't take the change and went for a dry start, specialy to get the carpet rooted. And i'm happy i did.

With the dry start periode added i'm in the 5th month now with Akadame as base soil and a top layer of Colombo and till now everything is ass expected.. I still have no reason to be unhappy with my choises. All is growing well and my water quality and values are rock stable.. Because the Akadama is inert the cycling of the tank will be much faster, there are none or just very little amonia or nitrite peaks, i didn't measure them once. And because it is inert you can put in there yoursell what you think or see what you need.

I still got a bag Akadama mixed with a very small pumice granule, i already know i'm going to use that one for my next experiment as base soil. 🙂
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the eternal substrate discussion.....

good place to start although im a little dubious about some of the pros/cons like eco complete...

obviously everyone's opinion is different depending on what they like but ill give a few pointers and my opinions on a few..

sand - can absolutely grow plants however it is definitely more of a challenge getting nutrients to you plants and you dont have any wiggle movement if you go away or forget to dose for a few days. Generally better for detail and aesthetics in aquascaping.

gravel - same as above however can work well with compost or tropica plant growth substrate underneath.

Eco complete - sure you can grow plants in it but that doesnt say much, it looks fake, massively over priced and has NO magic bacteria in it. Makes me shiver when i see it 🙂

Akadama - great CEC, as good as branded soils but no nutrients in to start with. Will have ammonia spike as will all organic compounds, all be it to a lesser extent. biggest draw back for me is colour and due to the shape doesnt hold plants as well as balls when planting.

Monado - one of the first plant substrates to hit the market. Personally i hate it, stupidly light, horrid colour and not many benefits from using it. Things have moved on a lot since this was released. Still popular mainly because lots of LFS stock it.

Fluval stratum - ok but better out there for the money

ebigold shrimp - brilliant substrate, great CEC, no ammonia spike, nice colour, good size balls and great to buffer water for shrimp etc

ebigold plant - same as above but has added minerals, believe it will spike ammonia but lightly.

Tropica plant grow - basically refined soil, must be capped with gravel etc grows plants well.

Tropica aquarium soil - as good as most other specialist soils.

Amazonia - love it, tough to beat, sure its expensive but its no1 for a reason. Can be reused over and over as has very good CEC as well. This also buffer water and has a huge ammonia spike so you need to ask about the best way to start it off.

Amazonia powder - same as amazonia only very small balls, normally used to top amazonia and easier to plant small plants in as well as pleasing aesthetically.

Nutrisoil - great again, balls a little large for my taste, does buffer water a small ammonia release.

Flora base - perfectly ok, only used it once, wasnt as impressed as amazonia

This is just a handful of whats available now and in all honesty most specialist soil substrates are pretty similar, most buffer the water and most will release some ammonia (this is a good thing, it will cycle your filters and the plants love it)

Truth is that if you get co2, light and ferts balanced then the substrate becomes semi irrelevant aside aesthetics, that said a good soil can help a lot when you are learning or being lazy.

Also avoid magic powders to add in your substrate, they are snake oil designed to remove money from your wallet only.

(can you tell im bored at work!!)
Good luck.
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Akadama - due to the shape doesnt hold plants as well as balls when planting.

(can you tell im bored at work!!)
Good luck.

Can no other than absolutely agree with that. 🙂 No drawback in my perseption, but never te less you feel it, but oncee rooted plants will grip tightly.. Balls will feel much smother and won't come up so easy as the rough shaped akadama. That would be more a drawback for me, it commes up easily and looks messy on the black surface, like big chunks of whale poop.. Because price whise it's unbeatable and a topper and stayer for me. I'll do some extra cleaning 🙂..

But looks like a nice experienced and honest review you wrote there.. Up to me, you can get bored more often (at work).. 🙂