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Another DIY cabinet!

That's a crackin job! Nothing more satisfying then doing the job yourself. I'm thinking of building my own tank with a mate. Don't know whether I'm completely insane or not haha.
Oh yes, that's a different matter!
Well, if anyone is interested it's no use to me, I just haven't the room, dammit.
The top is for a 30" x12".

I say you should make room 😉....set it up in the garage!
can't believe you made a stand without the intention of ever using it, you should have made a bookshelf 🙂 it looks great though!
Where are you based Oldbloke? Maybe I can indulge my MTS by stealth - small tank on a big stand, let the missus get used to the stand, and then let the tank magically grow to fit...
I say you should make room 😉....set it up in the garage!
can't believe you made a stand without the intention of ever using it, you should have made a bookshelf 🙂 it looks great though!

I've had enough of bookcases....
IMG_5011 by threequartersky, on Flickr

And when he finally turns up and puts the composite door on I can put the ****** floor down!!!

I've got a history spanning both roses, so you can imagine the internal conflict that rages there 😛.