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Andyh's 190l Lounge tank (update 20-09-11)

Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank.

Andy is...................... so excited! My ADA Solar 1 Metal Halide with NAG green bulb has arrived from The Green Machine , installing this evening!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Photos etc tomorrow!


Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank.

BOOM! I bet you're well excited pal :thumbup:
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank.

wow, finally had the chance to read this journal and I love it andy 🙂

Keep up the good work, its inspiring 🙂
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank.

viktorlantos said:
kewl! congrat to the equipment Andy. :thumbup:
Cheers Viktor, i have been waiting for ages !!
Dan Crawford said:
BOOM! I bet you're well excited pal :thumbup:
Double Boom!!! Its awesome! too excited ! 😀
chrisfraser05 said:
wow, finally had the chance to read this journal and I love it andy 🙂
Keep up the good work, its inspiring 🙂
Thanks Chris, glad you like it my aim is to document as much as possible so i can learn from it. It does go on a bit though :lol:
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank.

So my ADA Solar I (150w metal halide) has arrived from the boys at The Green Machine, I opted for the NAG Green bulb instead of the standard one and i am gob smacked how good the tank looks it looks very natural, the greens are fantastic, incase you hadn't guessed i am not a big fan of the red hue bulbs.

So the moment of excitement: (so excited i didn't even bother getting the pic in focus :lol: )

Next job was to protect the tank and fasten a batten to the ceiling with some stainless hooks to hang the light from:

My mounting point, once painted white blends in nicely

A few of the light itself now, which is a thing of beauty:


Can you tell i am very happy with it? :thumbup:

So here it is, and to be fair my photography skills don't do it justice!


Its currently sat at about 40cm above the tank, and in a week or two plan to lower it to approx 30cm from the water surface. It really is stunning and provides enough light , to light my entire lounge. 😉 also the ripple effect really adds a new dimension of depth and feel to the tank.

Lets just hope i can keep the algae at bay! 😵

Thanks for looking

Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

God that thing is bright and the ADA Solar looks sexy lol
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

That first out of focus picture says it all. Congrats on a fine piece of equipment!
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

Looks the business 8) scape has plenty of potiential as well 😉
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

Good work on the light dude, the sexiest thing your misses will clamp eyes on - after your good self lol.

I bet your keeping the box!? :lol:
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

Krish's Bettas said:
God that thing is bright and the ADA Solar looks sexy lol
Cheers Krish, who would of though a light would be described as sexy! :geek: We need to get out more :lol: :lol:
flygja said:
That first out of focus picture says it all. Congrats on a fine piece of equipment!
Gill said:
it looks amazing
hazeljane said:
excellent looks superb keep it up :clap: :clap: :clap: Stu.
Cheers Guys i am very Happy with it :thumbup:
zig said:
Looks the business 8) scape has plenty of potiential as well 😉
Thanks! "All the gear and no idea!" :lol: I am now happier with the scape, and hopefully it will get closer to what i had visualised once a few more of the plants fill in a bit. :thumbup:
Graeme Edwards said:
Good work on the light dude, the sexiest thing your misses will clamp eyes on - after your good self lol.
I bet your keeping the box!? :lol:
Just showed Bex your comment, she has now added you to the list of Andy's weird geeky friends!! :lol: :lol:
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

Aeropars said:
Andy, how how you gotten the Staurogyne to creep like that? I've had it in my tank for a while but all it does is grow upwards!


I find with Staurogyne that you have to prune it regularly to get the low level growth. Also it tends to grow tall if the light is to little. Try pruning low first, if it grows back tall you know that you may need to add a little more light.
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

Krish's Bettas said:
Hi Andy,

Do you use RO water in your tanks?

nope never, just good old Derbyshire tap water and tetra aqua safe. :thumbup:
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

I have been busy with this tank, i have removed the Eleocharis Parvula (hair Grass) from the scape as it wasn't doing well, I suspect that initially it didn't get enough light or lack of flow caused problems, but it just looked a mess. So i pulled it all out and completed two large water changes over two days. I will be ordering a selction of new plants to fill the gaps, will update once they are in :geek:

I am also just about to order a CO2 reactor to replace my UP atomizer, that should be fitted over the weekend, my main reason for this is two get away from the mist. I want clear water :lol:

Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

The 'scape is looking very nice indeed, and the light looks amazing too. Funny how excited we can get over a light, but I'd probably be the same! :thumbup:

Is it me or is the light twisted anticlockwise in this shot, or is it just the angle you've shot the tank from? It's just a minor observation but that would do my OCD-head in!! You also need to scrub those rocks!! :lol:


Keep up the great work. This is going to turn into a real beauty. 😀
Re: Andyh's 190l Lounge tank. (now with ADA Solar 1)

George Farmer said:
The 'scape is looking very nice indeed, and the light looks amazing too. Funny how excited we can get over a light, but I'd probably be the same! :thumbup:

Is it me or is the light twisted anticlockwise in this shot, or is it just the angle you've shot the tank from? It's just a minor observation but that would do my OCD-head in!! You also need to scrub those rocks!! :lol:


Keep up the great work. This is going to turn into a real beauty. 😀

The boys at TGM didnt help with the excitment; with stories of the container lost at sea, pirates and the pretending it had been shipped with the wrong bulb! Buggers! I will get revenge! The light is a stunning piece of kit and i would recommend to anyone.

With ref the light your OCD was right, it was twisted ever so slightly it was down the the cable from the wall being being caught, not my hanging capabilities.

The rock in this tank aint getting scrubbed i am liking the aged look, i have to admit to getting my easycarbo soaked toothbrush out on my Nano though :geek: