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Amazon swords


15 Jan 2016
Rochester UK
hi all

My Amazon swords have started to show some bad signs just wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction.

The old leaves are still green and healthy but the newer growth is tinging to red colour and the leaves are a bit twisted and deformed, one of my other plants tHe leaves have gone from green to gold colour. Could this be a lack of nitrates? Or more an overdose?

Thanks in advance
Hi welcome to UKAPS. Amazons are greedy when it comes to nutrients,if they are in just gravel they will benefit from root tablets in any case increase your liquid fertiliser.and see what happens
Hi all,
Could this be a lack of nitrates?
Because the new leaves are effected, if it is a deficiency it is one of the non-mobile elements (N, K, Mg and P are all mobile within the plant, so deficiencies of these nutrients effect older leaves first).

If your water is very hard? it may be a lack of iron (Fe). Iron needs to be chelated (as FeEDTA etc.) in hard water to be plant available.

cheers Darrel
Curled leaves in aquatic plants could be a sign of shortage f.e. deficiency in potasium tends to cause this regarding the aquatic plant deficience wiki list, in the long run this also causes holes in the leaves for some plants sp..

Swords are relatively deep and strong rooters they react very positive to some extra root tabs, which usualy contain the elements Darrel describes.. I experienced a drastic increase of growth to my sword since i started adding roottabs to it.. Tho it's planted 25 cm deep it's even growing out of the tank now.. :thumbup:

Also very remarkable plant, iit first grew out a few submersed leaves, which dried out it's emersed tips very soon. But the plant seems to pick this up and it triggers it to grow smaller and thicker emersed leaves. The 2 in the picture are now over 2 weeks emersed and do not show sign of trouble. And more are comming. 🙂

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Thank you for the info, they are planted in deep pots filled with John innes number 3 which is a fed soil, this is why I thought overdose. I inject co2 at 15 bubbles per min. I feed with liquid tropica nutes. The one without nitrates. They have only been in there a week, could it be the shock of all this change?
It could just be the leaves are adapting to being submersed and are melting back. All plants generally go through a transitional period.