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amano shrimp

a rix

2 May 2015
Could anyone let me know where I can purchase some genuine amano shrimp i have heard that there are some shops selling fake one's.

Many thanks Anthony rix
There's some uncertainty as to what actually is an amano shrimp.
The fakes could end up being the true amano, due to vagaries regarding collection localities , labeling etc etc.
I definitely have had some that weren't genuine. They don't do that much algae eating, and aren't that busy in the tank, whereas the real ones I had were constantly munching away. I believe one of the sponsors on the forum sells genuine amanos. Not sure about the rules of posting his website...www.freshwatershrimp.co.uk.
I just bought a couple gold fish, some snails and amano's for my daughter.
Probably would buy from them again but they were OK
I too bought some from Pets at Home, they were called something like Yamato Shrimp. I googled this and it's apparently another name for Amano Shrimp.
They are constantly munching away in my tank.
From what I've seen in LFS there seems to be some confusion as to what species constitute Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata), and I suppose to the untrained eye it's often hard to differentiate between closely related species.
I've also often seen Macrobrachium spp. (river shrimp) offered up as Amanos as well, similar to this one...
I have amano shrimp and dwarf ottos. The ottos are far better on algae.
I removed an adult bristlenose cause he took a fancy to my amazon swords.
I think I ended up with Taiwanese shrimp instead. They grew much bigger than I've seen Amano shrimp get.
I've read on another post about Armanos eating the plants? Have you had any experience of this? Don't fancy adding mine back in if they're going to do that, just starting my new tank and planting in the next couple of days
Yeh that's what I thought but someone mentioned them eating their dwarf hair grass and I've just bought some.
Hopefully get it tomorrow along with my Amazon sword, caboma and alternanthera roseaefolia :thumbup:
Might be getting anubias, bolbitis, Java fern and some floaters (ha!) from a member on here, just awaiting word

HOPE all goes well with them...never planted or cared for plants before 😕
IME, they can uproot hairgrass. But I don't think they intentionally do it.
They just walk on the substrate, dig and grab whatever around them. And if the tuft of hairgrass has weak rooting... 😡
You have to try and see if for yourself. It is probably not as bad as you might think.

BTW, they often munch old leaves of my Vallisneria down to the skeleton as they turn soft and leave young ones alone.
