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alum dip question


New Member
6 Nov 2021
Hi I have a question about alum dip recipe.
Can I use Aluminium Sulphate 'Al(SO4)3.18H2O' in lieu of Potassium Aluminium Sulphate 'KAl(SO4)2.12H2O in a alum dip to kill snails and if so at what amount per litre

Yes I believe so with the general recipe if 1tbs per Gallon (US) / 3.8ltrs so circa 1/4 tbs per litre depending on plant sensitivity and depending on strength you may need to leave them in for longer or shorter periods.

It would be bereft of me not to point out the benefits of snails as mentioned here Alum in planted tank (not dipping)

I am in the pro snails camp, though can can appreciate that in some mindsets and certain conditions they can appear to be 'pests' as I've been there myself. However I now add snails, including bladder snails, MTS and Ramshorns to all my tanks and have never had any issues with snails overrunning anything in fact the bladder snails usually thin out to nothing eventually.