Thats what i was looking for thanks in the future as maintenance ill go these route once i find a supply.Or if you want cheap diy
Im in the process of watching some bba die off at 2x dosage of excel and some hydrogen peroxide as spray on the surface.I've never had a problem when spot treating bba
I haven't managed to kill it by dosing tank daily up to 4.5x dosage though
No shrimp just angel fish which Im watching closely for any signs of toxicity..Oops just spotted a typo 4.5x dose should be 3.5x.
Did you read all the glute thread it has links to toxicology reports, safety sheets etc.
I wouldn't recommend more than 1.5x dose if keeping breeding/sensitive shrimp
oh i hope i don't have the same problem i have a couple that just laid down new leaves.major melt down on my crypts