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alternative to flourish excel

I've never had a problem when spot treating bba
I haven't managed to kill it by dosing tank daily up to 4.5x dosage though
Im in the process of watching some bba die off at 2x dosage of excel and some hydrogen peroxide as spray on the surface.
I'll defiantly use the home brew as a source of carbon in the future with my co2 injection with my cement water it'll help 🙂
Oops just spotted a typo 4.5x dose should be 3.5x.
Did you read all the glute thread it has links to toxicology reports, safety sheets etc.
I wouldn't recommend more than 1.5x dose if keeping breeding/sensitive shrimp
No shrimp just angel fish which Im watching closely for any signs of toxicity..
I was amazed at the safety sheets .I buy 4 liter jugs of Excel and it has a warning on the back but no hazard symbols on the front .from this day on i don't breath while dosing and i wash my hands .
on a side note it does make the house smell nice 🙂
I use the neutro range carbon, im pretty sure I managed to cause a major melt down on my crypts trying to nuke BBA on the wood next to the crypts. It was that or the extra doses of phosphate I added to get the PO4 up to 4-5ppm (basically had to double the PO4). Also other plants don't like it like the valis sp. My biggest problem is that it grows in close to my mosses and I hear they are also easy to kill with Carbon.
My fissidens did ok on high light, nutrients and 3x liquid carbon dose
But if it comes into direct contact with moss it will kill it. Vallis and crypts the same. They dont seem to mind regular 2x dose but dont like contact
My crypts just seem melt if i dare to touch them
Just build up to higher doses in stages and if you have problems, ease off a little