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Alternanthera reineckii low tech

IMO you'd be very lucky to grow it with any real success low-energy. But there is nothing stopping you from giving it a go; you never know you could prove me wrong...
Not very good photos but this is my dads low tech Fluval edge..

Seem too do good in there. It does grow taller than it would do in a high light setup but he never hardly adds ferts at all tbh and it still grows red and strong.

That's a great looking edge, I have one of them as well so I may use some trimmings for the edge
Not very good photos but this is my dads low tech Fluval edge..

Seem too do good in there. It does grow taller than it would do in a high light setup but he never hardly adds ferts at all tbh and it still grows red and strong.

Sorry if I've missed this but what is the red plant please? Gorgeous tank! Warmest wishes - Glenda