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All The Gear, "No Idear"

Updated photo, the HC is not spreading that fast in the corners which I put down to low flow in those areas. As usual with all my tanks I just leave them be and all I do is change 50% of the water weekly and dose my ferts every day. I need to clean all the glass inside and out, the pipes need a clean and I need to fit my inline diffuzer but I am a lazy bugger and cant be bothered ATM.

I turned the CO2 up to 2bps and the lighs up to 90%.

ps; there are 20+ gold tetras in there but they like to hide when I am close to the tank.


Looking nice and green in there 🙂
Cheers, I took that photo and uploaded it and thought it looked a bit too green, I checked my phone which I took the photo from and the camera lens was very dirty so I gave it a wipe and took a new photo. That is what happens when I let my 2 year old daughter get her grubby hands on my phone lol.

Quite a difference

Excellent plant health 🙂 if only you had some bigger rocks!! 😉 congrats :clap:
What happened to this one? any updates?
Well, over a year later and I am back. Had other commitments in my life and lost interest in my tanks for a little while so they have just been ticking over for the last year or so. This scape ended up like this a while back;


I had to tear it down because the build up of mulum under the HC became to much. After lifting it I had to gravel vac every day for a week to clean the Aquasoil. I ended up adding a second EX1200 and have kept away from carpet plants since. I still have the same fish, they don't jump out and never seem to die! which I guess is a good thing.
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Impressive, very nice, great to see how it developed from those early pictures.