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All The Gear, "No Idear"

Just a quick photo taken on my phone, still got a lot of things left to do, it's hard trying to deal with fish tanks whilst my 2 year old runs riot!!!

Still have the following to do; (I have left water level low at the moment to make moving things round easier)
  1. Tidy up lighting cables
  2. Fit inline diffuser once I have cleaned it
  3. Fit clear clips and sucker cups in place of black ones
  4. Decide weather to fit second filter or not
  5. Move the middle rock slightly to the left
  6. Fit automatic dosing pump
When I fist set up the scape in dry form it was a lot hillier with the middle rock set on a mound, whilst filling the tank with water the mound collapsed so I have to persevere. Also most of the HC was floating the next day so I have had to replant that. Please feel free to add your comments, good or bad :nailbiting: 2 of the rocks came out of my other tank and have some algae on which I will have to scrub off.

Little update,

The HC seems to be melting slightly, I assume it is adjusting to the soil. I also ordered a couple of pots of 1-2 Grow Ammania Sp "Bonsai" to go behind the big rock on the right hand side, the pots turned up yesterday and here they are; 😱
Got them from Ebay so I sent the seller a picture and he said he will send me out 2 fresh pots. I think he way trying to get away with selling some old crusty pots by the look of it, lol

Also added approx 50 Crystal Red Shrimp and 10 Green Rasborra to the tank, the filter has been packed with mature media from the tank I shut down so no worries there. WIll get some updated tank shots up once I have planted the Ammania Sp.
Its a shame youve added live stock you cant give the hc a boat load of co2 to help it adjust. Looking good planted

I know, the wife was nagging me to get rid of one of my other tanks so I had to move the stock across, I will just have to be patient with the HC. It came out of the tank in my avatar so should be ok.
I hate to think what my girlfriends gonna say when i try sneak a 9foot tank in for my clown loachs. I dont think the 9 foot will be the problem but the planned rescape of the 330l corner will definately be a problem and getting rid of the 35l in the kitchen wont be enough. They just dont understand.
Man I feel bad for you guys my better half bought me a tmc signature and I said I would get rid of the 4ft, she said no. We are moving and she made sure the new place had enough room for all tanks plus a pond. Only problem I have is she is not willing to help maintain any of them apart from the 55ltr and 20ltr ha oh well 😀

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Updated picture, been running for 6 days now so not much going on the rocks have been cleaned up by the CRS and I have added a surface skimmer which comes on at night just to clear the small bit of surface film. (drop checker has just been cleaned so not showing that green)

Cheers Rob, most of my previous tanks were of the rustic style so have tried something a little different this time.

TBH I am not much good at aquascaping so just try and create scapes that me and the missus like. I just don't have the eye for the placement required in order to be up their with the best. This one should look nice once the HC has fully carpeted. :thumbup:
Surface film after 6 days is an early warning signal that there is too much light and not enough CO2. Using a skimmer only sweeps the problem under the carpet.


Thanks, the film is hardly noticeable TBH and the skimmer is only running during the night to give the surface a little polish.
I have had a couple of tanks in the past with heavy surface film but this is no way near as bad. I have been monitoring the situation over the last day or so and I reckon I could even leave the skimmer off at night but it helps provide a little aireation during lights out period.

Co2 is running at just over 2bps, LED tiles are running at 85%.
Awesome. With all that stone leaching into the water are you doing a lot of water changes?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Looking great man. Good effort!

Thank you, I had a nightmare trying to source more green Rasboras and spotted some Gold Neon Tetras which I fell in love with so I bought 20 removed the rasboras and added the Gold Neons. They are a bit timid and constantly hiding but when they are out they look stunning.

I will do my best to get some photos of them.
Updated photo, the HC is not spreading that fast in the corners which I put down to low flow in those areas. As usual with all my tanks I just leave them be and all I do is change 50% of the water weekly and dose my ferts every day. I need to clean all the glass inside and out, the pipes need a clean and I need to fit my inline diffuzer but I am a lazy bugger and cant be bothered ATM.

I turned the CO2 up to 2bps and the lighs up to 90%.

ps; there are 20+ gold tetras in there but they like to hide when I am close to the tank.
