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All The Gear, "No Idear"

Have you read their Ts&Cs? looks like you are being supplied by Fish Finatics Ltd. Not sure of the connection but appears a bit strange.
Well they called today and said the tank was damaged during the attempted delivery. They have offered a refund on the delivery and are in the process of building a replacement tank for me, they say they will deliver the tank to me by Wednesday. I was shocked they called me for a change.
Small update, Aquariums.ltd.uk have delivered the tank today. Fair play they sent one of their employees to deliver the tank which I believe was a 6hr round trip. So all in all only 12 days late and I wont grumble about it any more.. Aquariums.ltd.uk even got wind of this thread so may even post here to give their side of the story, which they are welcome to do.

At first glance the tank looks good, will be setting it up at the weekend so will add pictures to show the build quality then. I know pictures are always welcome regardless of how boring they are so here we go, wrapper and all. (I will be replacing the thick polystyrene sheet with a thinner 10mm sheet)

I will be starting this build tomorrow, quite excited about it 🙂

What are peoples thoughts on me just using the one EX1200 filter instead of 2? I know with one I wont be hitting the 10x turnover but I have seen a lot of planted tanks which are well under 10x turnover and they don't seem to suffer. If I do go for the 1 filter I would run the spray bar and intake on the right hand side with the flow running from right to left. Fauna wise this tank is only going to have a load of CRS and a shoal of Neon Green Rasboras so the bio load will be small.

Also went hunting for a 10mm sheet of polystyrene today but no luck 🙁 gonna have to use the thick piece but will get the missus to wrap in some black fabric to make it look tidy.

I have noticed a few people on here use 100% RO water in their tanks, what are the benefits of this? Ian does this and also keeps fish in his tank, I always thought fish couldn't be kept in neat RO water, will my daily fert dosing regime provide the fish with what they need to survive?
Thanks, I am quite familiar with using RO water and remineralising it as I used to breed Apistogrammas. At this point in time I use 50/50 mix of Tap and RO water due to poor tap water quality.

As far as I am aware a few members on UKAPS use neat RO and only add their daily fertilizers and nothing else. This is what I am after advice on :thumbup:
Oh I haven't come across that before I will be interested to know about that aswell

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The principle is that there's enough mineral in the EI to keep the TDS up anyway, so extra mineralisation isn't necessary.

This is what I thought, just wanted to be sure any fauna I add wont suffer. I would assume I would have to up my EI dosing to compensate, just dont have much of a clue on how much I should up the dosage by. Hopefully Ian will come along and offer some advice :nailbiting:
Hi yes, I have received a pm about this, but ill also post in here.

I use 100% ro water, well have in my last 2 scapes, with no problem. This was with quite high dosing of tropica ferts and daily monitoring of the tds levels. I know vickor and George do the same, we all have had good results using pure ro.
It might also pay you in the future to buy a pump for the ro unit. Just incase your getting loads of waste and your on a meter.
It might also pay you in the future to buy a pump for the ro unit. Just incase your getting loads of waste and your on a meter.

Not on a meter 🙂 and after a bit of thinking I am just going to do a 50/50 split of tap and RO, saves me having to use so much extra ferts.
I have been setting everything up today, cut holes in the cabinet sorted the polystyrene, fitted the lights, fitted 1 filter, fitted backing (aqua color) did a nice scape then plants some Blyxa Japonica in one corner, then cut up a load of HC and spread it out over the rest of the substrate. Started to fill the tank everything going along swimmingly THEN the substrate collapsed in the middle and the middle stone fell over!! BLOODY HELL

So for now I have just half filled the tank and chucked a spare heater in and will go at it again in the morning, I will either fill it right up then attempt to bank the substrate again or leave it more or less flat with a slope to the back. Then I will have some fun trying to plant HC in a tank full of water. This ADA soil in a bugger to keep in place.

Time for a rest now.