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Algae trouble 8 months on


8 Jun 2020
It's been a while since I've been here to discuss this thread here Possible BBA and a host of questions but I thought I'd start with an update before I ask for suggestions.
So Algae is better, I'd like to say under control but I do still get some signs. Tank looking a lot more healthy now, started at with this..


Taken at the weekend we're at this now...

image0 (1).jpegimage2.jpeg

This is just after quite a big trim of the back stem plants, hoping they come back nice a bushy to cover the back glass. I do need some more plants though, after some assistance in picking some if anyone has any suggestions? It's a cube tank so very deep compared to most so not strong lights, no CO2 and simple TNC Complete dosing. Need something on the right of the wood, was thinking I'd try

SAMOLUS FLORIBUNDES or two up against the wood and then in front kind of where the white stones are now some

SAGITTARIA SABULATA (DWARF SAGITTARIA). The front has newish plants I'm hoping will grow and fill out the foreground but i'll judge that and look at what else I need.

Anyone spot anything of nice gap that would suit a plant? I'm no good at visualising. I've also gone off the idea of rock and wood attached plants, they've become a pain for me it seems. Maybe next time i;ll try glue.