New Member
Hey all, hoping someone can give me a sanity check about whether I have an algae problem or not.
I know that my situation isn't as bad as it could be, but I like to handle problems before they spiral out of control. I've been seeing a lot of diatoms and what I think is green dust algae popping up on my hardscape and some of my plants. My setup is quite new (flooded 20 April), so some of it is to be expected... but then again, intervention is better early than late!
You can read about my setup here, with the only changes since the last update being that 1) I don't have hydra anymore (treated with fenbendazole), 2) I added 10 celestial pearl danios to the tank, and 3) I started dosing fertilizers using PPS-Pro guidelines (I know EI is very popular but PPS is much more similar to how we've fertilized plants in my botany laboratories and I'm of a tinkering kind-of-mindset in general). The fertilizers are fairly new; only been using them for like... less than a week.
Thank you ahead of time
Here is a picture of the tank from today in-general:
Some of the algae on the hardscape:
And some pictures of plants and their growth (end of the day, after CO2 is gone and before lights-off):
HC Cuba with some diatoms
Echinodorus aflame with lots of bubbles under the leaf (not fenestrations or holes in the leaf)
Barclaya longifolia v. red
Rotala macrandra v. mini butterfly, not looking very red
Helanthium tenellum and Littorella uniflora with some diatoms, mild melt, and lots of pearling
I know that my situation isn't as bad as it could be, but I like to handle problems before they spiral out of control. I've been seeing a lot of diatoms and what I think is green dust algae popping up on my hardscape and some of my plants. My setup is quite new (flooded 20 April), so some of it is to be expected... but then again, intervention is better early than late!
You can read about my setup here, with the only changes since the last update being that 1) I don't have hydra anymore (treated with fenbendazole), 2) I added 10 celestial pearl danios to the tank, and 3) I started dosing fertilizers using PPS-Pro guidelines (I know EI is very popular but PPS is much more similar to how we've fertilized plants in my botany laboratories and I'm of a tinkering kind-of-mindset in general). The fertilizers are fairly new; only been using them for like... less than a week.
Thank you ahead of time
Here is a picture of the tank from today in-general:
Some of the algae on the hardscape:
And some pictures of plants and their growth (end of the day, after CO2 is gone and before lights-off):
HC Cuba with some diatoms
Echinodorus aflame with lots of bubbles under the leaf (not fenestrations or holes in the leaf)
Barclaya longifolia v. red
Rotala macrandra v. mini butterfly, not looking very red
Helanthium tenellum and Littorella uniflora with some diatoms, mild melt, and lots of pearling