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Algae bloom


2 Nov 2010
I have growing plants in my tank quite successfully however recently I have some stubborn algae growth on the sides of the tank.

Any suggestions on how to remove it? It doesn't want to come off with my usual algae scrubbergebamare.jpg
Ok, 90l tank, very deep and narrow. Ada Amazonia substrate and using green brighty 3 ferts.

It's approx 780mm deep by 460mm width and depthhevetaju.jpg
Do you have co2?....lights, and for how long?

It's not just about remedies in how to remove algae, but rather solutions in trying to keep it away in the first place.

The removal from glass is easy....A razor blade, or some similar device from an aquatic store.
To be absolutely honest, your tank looks to me like the one which will be difficult to grow plants in long term. I can see some plants which look like Cabomba to me – am I right? They look O.K. for the moment but I am not sure they will be doing well long term. It seems to me – I might be wrong – that the substrate is hugely wasted as you have a thick layer of ADA one but only a few plants. Without plants, it may become anaerobic with time. As for the algae you showed the pictures of, it does not look like any of “common” types to me. Anyway, razor blades as Mark suggested, or even an old credit card can be tried.
Yes it's a pain, to be honest it was never meant as a planted aquarium but I got interested and made do with what I had.

I'm looking at a small nano tank to start my planted aquarium.
Yes I would have to agree that your tank looks like a challenge for an expert & certainly not an easy tank for growing plants!
Your algae is most likely a result of ... lack of C02, poor flow & too much light in the wrong area.
You could try using a short & low light light regime, I would not add any extra ferts as the Amazonia will be fully loaded but to be honest it would be a lot easier to use a wide shallow tank!
You have to think about this shape of tank differently.

The dimensions are similar to a 'conventional' shape tank, but on it's side.

Instead of flow going left to right and vice versa....you have to think about it going up and down.

A small or micro power head would resolve many issues, but place it so the flow goes from top to bottom.

Just try to think differently about solutions to any given problem.