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1 Feb 2025
Seems to be getting too aggressive and attacking everything in the tank (Corys, Cardinals and Kribs)


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Even in a 4 foot tank mature Angels can be problematic. Very predatory and very territorial. Only ever had success with a small group in a 5 foot 6 inch tank, the tank was long and thin but quite deep. The length seemed sufficient for the angels to dart away from each other, and, since there were six or more, they spent most of their days eyeing each other up for a potential fight and left the rummy nose tetras alone. The Angels also seemed somewhat wary of the pair of Kribensis, though smaller, the Kribs took no nonsense whatsoever. Surprised your Kribs don't 'have a go'. Best to re-home the Angel, sorry, or of course, buy a bigger tank!
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The kribs recently had fry (only one left now) and kept the angel well clear of them, it’s seems it’s payback time as angel will not let the female venture out from behind bog wood, I am afraid a new tank is out of the question possible rehome to my sons tank but he has kribs to, not sure what to do ☹️
It was never going to work out well in that size of tank, unfortunately. If your son's tank is bigger it might work, even with a similar fish mix.
Is there cover and ways to break line of site in the tank? Could it be that they have bred and are protecting territory/eggs? Obviously doesn't apply if have one. I haven't kept angelfish yet so take my advice as such 🙂