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AGA 2010 Aquascaping Contest is open for entries

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
Not the biggest, but arguably the best aquascaping contest in the world.

Submit up to 3 entries in several categories; small, medium, large, x-large, paludarium, biotope. Entries do not have to be photographed recently either, so submitting an old favourite is fine.

Costs US $5.00 per entry, but all proceeds go back into the Aquatic Gardening Association.

You are also guaranteed feedback from the judging panel, unlike some other contests.

There's an option for your entry to be automatically entered into next year's IAPLC too.

I'll give it a crack if my crypt doesn't melt horribly when I fill the tank from the dry-start! Will be first competition.

Do you get ranked out of everyone or is it just the 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
Nice one, Neil.

There's no detailed ranking made public, except 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Also if one judge scores your 'scape highest, even if overall it's not in the top 3, then you get an "honourable mention".
Website from this link looks not so good 🙁, but contest that good.
Only there in judgment is some Photoshop fake specialists ? My wife can make in photoshop real amano and everything what need 😀.

Best Regards,
Just a reminder 2 more days for this competition if you want to enter, closing date Sept 25th. Not sure if I will enter yet, dont think I will tbh but having said that Im humming and hawing will I wont I back and forth , better decide today one way or the other.