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Advise on light schedule


5 Mar 2023
The Netherlands
Hello everyone!
I would like to get your advise and opinion on light schedule.
I have 250cm long and 70cm with aquarium. My lights 3xAqautlantis Easy led 2 and1455mm and 3x1000mm version.
My schedule is:
10:00 - 14:00 -> 5%
14:00 - 22:00 -> 80%
22:00 - 23:00 -> 5%

I see that my plants are opening a bit earlier when they see the day light. So I would like to change photoperiod from 12 to 20:00 and after run the light till 23:00 on 5%.
Do you think will it cause algae issues or some other problems?
Thank you in advance!
That is a huge aquarium, please may we have a photograph.
If your tanks gets some ambient natural daylight and we are moving into the longer days then I would say that things might change anyway, so I don't think this slight tweeking will have very much of an impact. You can always adjust this again in the future. Keep exact records so that you know what has changed to futureproof any potential issues. A journal on UKAPS is also useful because other members might make recommendations if you invite them to.
That is a huge aquarium, please may we have a photograph.
If your tanks gets some ambient natural daylight and we are moving into the longer days then I would say that things might change anyway, so I don't think this slight tweeking will have very much of an impact. You can always adjust this again in the future. Keep exact records so that you know what has changed to futureproof any potential issues. A journal on UKAPS is also useful because other members might make recommendations if you invite them to.
250x70x80 massive jungle here is journal 🙂